Do you want to be an Extreme Couponer like on TLC’s popular show Extreme Couponing? I would love to be able to shop like that and get so many things for free. I’ve tried a few times to go extreme but the stores in my area have strict coupon policies which makes it really tough.


Even though I’m not an extreme couponer I still love to coupon! Each week I buy 3-5 Sunday newspapers, depending on how the coupon inserts match things we use. Then I check the coupon match-ups on some of the site I’m going to share with you in just a minute. I do get some free stuff like toothbrushes and toothpaste and soaps which really helps out a lot!

After visiting some or all of these sites you’re going to want to get started right away. I really don’t want to play favorites but Ruth at Saving Well, Spending Less has an amazing 8 step tutorial that will have you stockpiling in no time. Plus I love her sister site Living Well, Spending Less!


Saving Well, Spending Less also has coupon match-ups, money saving tips and hot deals


The Coupon Divas has match-ups for over 25 stores including The Dollar and Wegmans (a grocery store in the North East)


I LOVE Coupons For Your Family because they have awesome match-ups for Tops which is the only grocery store besides a WalMart Super Center for 20 miles.


The Money Saving Mom has some fantastic money management and blogging posts. Of course there are coupon match-ups for some national stores.


Saving My Family Money is a great site! There are match-ups, bargains & deals, free stuff and tips for frugal living. It’s definitely worth checking out.


The Coupon Girlz have tons of match-ups including Office Max, Toys R Us, Kmart & Staples plus a special Black Friday match-up, restaurant coupons and Amazon deals.


Southern Savers is a great couponing resource! There is a fantastic Couponing 101 tutorial, lots of frugal living tips and online deals. And oh yeah, did I mention there’s some coupon match-ups.


The Penny Pinchin’ Mom is another awesome resource. You will find a coupon database, budget help, money saving tips and so much more. If you have kids going back to school this month there is a whole bunch of stuff for you like weekly price comparisons and Tax free shopping dates.


A Thrifty Mom has loads of match-ups and a great couponing 101 tutorial.


Cuckoo for Coupon Deals is a fun site with match-ups for 30 stores. There’s also giveaways, freebies, online deals, so much more.


Well there you have it. Once you’ve gone through a tutorial or two you will be well on your way to becoming an extreme couponer! I would suggest concentrating one or two sites that you really like and provide you with the information you want and match-ups for your local store.

Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting with me today!